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Letter from the Editors

Hi all,  

As many of you know, last year, the Radar underwent big changes in its switch from a paper medium to an online experience. This year, the Radar will continue to grow along with innovations in the College Prep community.

As your co-editors, we want the Radar to become integrated into a College Prep student’s path of life. We hope that the Radar will not only serve as a place to capture the idiosyncratic spirit of College Prep, but also a place for students to continue to create it. From voicing an opinion on a current event to sharing a light-hearted story, or photo of a familiar face, students can use the Radar as an outlet from their busy lives to connect with their community and the world at large.

This year, we hope to expand the Radar’s publicity through several forms of social media and regular updates in campus news. In addition, we hope to have a greater presence of vibrant student photography, which depicts the unique viewpoints of College Prep students.

While the Radar staff will be working hard at making the publication a larger part of Prep life, the involvement of College Prep’s community is most essential to the success of the Radar. We hope that you all will help us make this vision a reality.

Let’s make this year the Radar’s best yet.

Your co-editors,

Samantha Haigood and Jane Vaughn  


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