This past Friday, your men’s and women’s track teams had a blast at the Warren Eaton Relays Meet at Acalanes High School, in Lafayette. The fun started off with two of our esteemed frosh-soph shot-putters, Cady K, who got second, and Nina M, who broke her own personal record! At the same time, Sanath used the team’s support to jump towards a (personal) victory in the FS long jump. Oriana C and Ava P also both had awesome leaps in the FS and Varsity long jump events.
The centerpiece of this meet, however, was the relays. Every (healthy) member of the team took part in one of the more traditional events (4x100m or 4x400m) or made up a team for a more unusual race (4x800m or 4x200m). Aside from the relays, the tracksters ran valiantly in – the more familiar 100m and 100m hurdles and the more uncommon 3000m and 1500m.
Overall, from their 11:45 am dismissal to their 9:45 pm arrival back at school, the track team enjoyed ten full hours of track fun and amazing personal achievements. Congratulate a track athlete!